Social Media Marketing... 10 Ways to Utilise Visuals!

Do you have a visual component as part of your social media marketing strategy?
Do you need some help in getting started or maintaining momentum in sharing more visual content and in creating a visual conversation with your audience?
In this post, you'll find 10 tips for getting started with a visual strategy.

#1: Add Text to Your Photos
Do you want to get more mileage out of the photos you share on your social sites? You can, when you add text to your images.
Adding text to a photo can help you get your message across faster. And these messages are more likely to be shared by others on social media.
Do you want to find some easy tools to include text in the photos you share on social media? Check out the photo editors in #4 below.

#2: Break Through the Clutter
There's a lot of content out there vying for our attention. As Krista Neher suggests, "Optimize your social content to break through the clutter with images. Most leading businesses are making use of images in their content on all social networks. Your Facebook, Twitter, blog and even LinkedIn strategies should include images."
Consider varying the types of content you share on your social channels and be sure to include photos and other forms of visual content to keep your readers interested.

#3: Create a Collage
When you have several great images to choose from and can't decide, why not create a collage? Here are some instructions for how to make a collage with PicMonkey and other free collage-making tools
Collages communicate a number of brand messages and offer a simple yet effective way to engage users. Think about your different social media outlets and see if there are places where a collage would work well for you.

#4: Desktop Photo Editors
Is the photo you have perfect for your needs? Or does it need some editing?
There are many paid and free options for desktop photo editors on Mac and PCs to help you crop, resize, enhance, add text and more.
Photo editing apps have come a long way over the years. Years back, the average user may have felt that editing was out of their league completely but programs have made it possible to make quick and easy edits that strengthen a photo and create a better overall image of your business.

#5: Encourage People to Share Photos With Your Business
The photo-sharing tools available today provide companies another communication avenue with their audience.
One fun way to get users to submit photos is to make it part of a contest that you're sponsoring.
Users enjoy sharing photos. And contests help businesses reach out to their users in a creative way, while at the same time making it possible to gather a large crowdsourced photo library of images related to your products.

#6: Facebook Covers
The cover photos for Facebook give you a lot of real estate (specifically 851 x 315 px) to demonstrate visually what your business is about. There are a number of great resources to help you create cool Facebook cover photos.
Create an inviting Facebook cover and don't be afraid to change it periodically.

#7: Generate Leads With Facebook Photos
Companies are finding that they can generate more followers and leads by posting a high percentage of photos on social sites.
Do you know what type of visuals will work for your business? Or are you struggling to keep up a good momentum? Think about visuals as part of your strategy and allocate time to brainstorm and create a library you can tap into over the next week, month or even longer.

#8: How-to Images
Sometimes photos can make things simple for your audience. What does your audience struggle with?
Photos are a powerful way to show your readers a step-by-step guide on how to carry out specific tasks.

#9: Infographics
Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly (from Wikipedia). Users love them and they're shared often on social sites.
There are a number of tools to help you create your own infographic.

#10: Just the Facts
Are there any other ways you can use visual content? There are times when a simple chart or visualization will help drive home the facts.

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